
“Cloud images are operating system templates and every instance starts out as an identical clone of every other instance. It is the user data that gives every cloud instance its personality and cloud-init is the tool that applies user data to your instances automatically.” - cloud-init

Tinkerbell via Hegel supports a good portion of the 2009-04-04 version of the EC2 API version for metadata and user data. This allows you to use Hegel to provide cloud-init data to your machines. See the Hegel doc for more details. This document will guide you through the process of integrating Tinkerbell and cloud-init. For details on how to use cloud-init, refer to the cloud-init documentation.

Defining data

There are two types of data that you can provide to your machines using cloud-init; metadata and user data. Both of these are defined in a machine’s Hardware object.


Metadata is defined in the Hardware object under two locations. The spec.metadata.instance and spec.metadata.facility fields.

For the v1alpha1 spec the following fields are supported under spec.metadata.instance:

Hardware field cloud-init field Description
id instance-id The unique identifier for the instance.
hostname hostname The hostname of the instance.
hostname local-hostname The local hostname of the instance.
tags tags The tags associated with the instance.

For the v1alpha1 spec the following fields are supported under spec.metadata.instance.ips (only the last IP is used):

Hardware field cloud-init field Description
address public-ipv4 The public IPv4 address of the instance.
address public-ipv6 The public IPv6 address of the instance.
address local-ipv4 The local IPv4 address of the instance.

For the v1alpha1 spec the following fields are supported under spec.metadata.instance.operating_system:

Hardware field cloud-init field Description
slug slug The slug of the operating system.
distro distro The distribution of the operating system.
version version The version of the operating system.
image_tag image_tag The image of the operating system.

For the v1alpha1 spec the following fields are supported under spec.metadata.facility:

Hardware field cloud-init field Description
plan_slug plan The plan of the instance.
facility_code facility The facility where the instance is located.

User data

User data is defined in the Hardware object under the spec.userData field. This field is a string that contains all the user data that you want to provide to your machine.


Here is an example of a Hardware object that contains metadata and user data for cloud-init. This is an example only and not a recommended configuration for production use.

kind: Hardware
  name: example
  namespace: tink-system
  userData: >-
    package_update: true
      - name: tink
        sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
        shell: /bin/bash
        plain_text_passwd: 'tink'
        lock_passwd: false
          - ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...iYTw==
      - openssl
      - sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      - systemctl enable ssh.service
      - systemctl start ssh.service
      - systemctl disable snapd
      - rm -f /etc/hostname    
      facility_code: dia
      plan_slug: c2.medium.x86
      hostname: example
      id: 00:01:02:03:04:05
        - address:
        - tag1
        - tag2
        distro: ubuntu
        image_tag: latest
        slug: ubuntu_22_04
        version: "22.04"

Setup cloud-init to use Hegel

To use cloud-init with Tinkerbell, you need to set up cloud-init to use Hegel as the configuration source. This is done via Actions in a Template. When using these example Actions, be sure to replace <Hegel_IP:Port> with the IP address and port of your Hegel instance.

Please note that this is a known working configuration but not necessarily the only way to configure cloud-init to use Hegel.

- name: "add cloud-init config"
  timeout: 90
          metadata_urls: ["http://<Hegel_IP:Port>"]
          strict_id: false
      manage_etc_hosts: localhost
        dsid_missing_source: off      
    DEST_DISK: {{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}
    DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_tinkerbell.cfg
    DIRMODE: "0700"
    FS_TYPE: ext4
    GID: "0"
    MODE: "0600"
    UID: "0"
- name: "add cloud-init ds-identity"
  timeout: 90
    DEST_DISK: {{ formatPartition ( index .Hardware.Disks 0 ) 1 }}
    FS_TYPE: ext4
    DEST_PATH: /etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg
    UID: 0
    GID: 0
    MODE: 0600
    DIRMODE: 0700
      datasource: Ec2